6. Removal of Dr.Web for Linux |
Deinstallation procedure for Dr.Web for Linux can be carried out in the following ways:
In the process of deinstallation dependencies are supported, both for graphical uninstaller and console uninstaller. To remove all the components of Dr.Web for Linux solution via the uninstall GUI, select the Removal of Dr.Web for Linux option from the Applications -> Dr.Web menu or initialize it with the following command: # /opt/drweb/remove.sh If initialization has been performed without root privileges, then uninstall GUI will try to gain appropriate privileges by itself. If the uninstall GUI has failed to start, then interactive uninstall script will be automatically initialized in console. After deinstallation you can also remove drweb user and drweb group from your system. During the deinstallation the following processes take place:
For operation according to schedules Dr.Web for Linux turns to user cron. At startup and after registration of Dr.Web for Linux an entry is made to the user crontab about periodicity of Updater operation. It looks like the following:
*/30 * * * * sh -c "(/opt/drweb/scripts/drweb-cc/update.sh 2>&1)>>/home/user/.drweb/crontab-updater.log" Scanner schedule entry to the crontab will made only after the corresponding function is enabled in Settings section of Dr.Web for Linux. It may look like the following:
0 9 * * * sh -c "(DISPLAY=:0.0/opt/drweb/scripts/drweb-cc/start-scanning.sh 2>&1)>>/home/user/.drweb/crontab-scan.log" When you uninstall the Dr.Web for Linux, corresponding entries in the user crontab are not removed automatically and have to be deleted manually. |