Release Notes for Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 12.0 |
Last updated on 11/26/2020 Upgrade to Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 12.0 About Product Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite is designed for organization and management of integrated and secure complex anti-virus protection as local company network including mobile devices, or home computers of employers. Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite has a client-server architecture. Client components of anti-virus network are installed on the protected workstations of users and administrators (network servers). Dr.Web Server provides for centralized administrating of the anti-virus and anti-spam protection of the company's network, including deployment, virus databases and program files updates on protected computers, monitoring of virus events and the state of the anti-virus packages and OS’s on all protected computers. An aggregate of computers on which Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite cooperating components are installed is called an anti-virus network. To deploy the anti-virus network, the advantages of Active Directory technology employed in servers under Windows OS's can be used. To exchange information between Dr.Web Server and Dr.Web Agents network protocols TCP/IP are used. New Features and Capabilities New Components •The new Application Control component allowing you to adjust which applications to permit and which ones to prohibit launching on protected stations on the anti-virus network on which Dr.Web Agent for Windows is installed. The component can be configured on Dr.Web Server only. Dr.Web Server •Windows Server 2019 OS is now supported for Dr.Web Server and Dr.Web Agent for Windows. •The new Dr.Web enterprise products repository product containing installation packages of products and components that were previously included into the Dr.Web Server extra distribution kit. •The new Dr.Web administrative utilities repository product containing installation packages of utilities from the Administration → Utilities section of the Control Center. •New options in Dr.Web Server and Web server configuration that allow preliminary create and configure Lua virtual machines for operating with corresponding component. •New option in Dr.Web Server configuration that allows automatically create missing station accounts when installing the Agents vis group installation packages. •New Server extension—Dr.Web SNMP agent that performs exchanging the information with network management systems via SNMP protocol. •New Agent extension for file data transfer from the Agent to the Server via SFTP protocol. •New feature that allows to specify the password for default administrator (admin) in the configuration file with answers for installation the Server under UNIX system-based OS. •The Web API for interaction with Dr.Web Server is updated. New Web API is supplied under version 4.3.0. Dr.Web Security Control Center •Polish localization is now supported at Dr.Web Server. •New Prevent sending updates to neighbor Servers option in the repository detailed configuration that allows to forbid sending the product updates via the interserver connections. •New Prevent receiving updates from neighbor Servers option in the repository detailed configuration that allows to forbid receiving the product updates via the interserver connections. •The list of supported settings for Dr.Web ICAPD and SpIDer Gate for stations under UNIX OS is extended in the Dr.Web Security Control Center. •New feature to start and stop protection components for stations under UNIX system-based OS remotely via the Control Center. •New statistic section about devices blocked by protection components on anti-virus network stations. •New settings for grouping Dr.Web Server notifications for Preventive protection, Application Control, epidemic and abnormally terminated connections with clients. •The log of abnormally terminated connections of Dr.Web Server with clients is added. •License usage report is no longer associated with interserver connections. Options for the report creation are changed. •New events Purge database, Analyse database, Purge Active Directory data in the audit log. •The export and import of the INI configuration file for protection components of stations under UNIX system-based OS are added. •New option of Dr.Web Agent for Windows that allows to transmit information on geographical location of stations to the Server. •The search of stations by MAC address is added in the anti-virus network tree. •The Modules statistic section now contains information on stations under UNIX system-based OS. •The length of text message sent by administrator to protected stations via the anti-virus network is limited. •Added a warning to the administrator that the interface texts update is disabled for the language selected in the Control Center settings. •The documentation in the Support section of Dr.Web Security Control Center is extended and updated. •Dr.Web for Windows removal utility is now available for download in Dr.Web Security Control Center. This is an emergency tool for removing incorrect/damaged installations of Dr.Web Agents for Windows software in cases when standard removal tools are not available or will not work. The utility is not designed to be used as the main Dr.Web software uninstallation tool. •Dr.Web utility for collecting information on a system is now available for download in Dr.Web Security Control Center. This utility is designed to generate the report on the state of a system and all installed software, including Dr.Web antivirus solutions for protected stations and Dr.Web Server software. The report archive can be used for diagnostics by the anti-virus network administrator, as well as for sending to the technical support service of Doctor Web company. Dr.Web Agent •Dr.Web Agent for Windows component with a new design is now supported. •New Multimedia devises class to control access in the Office Control settings for stations under Windows OS. Stop Supporting •Operating systems earlier Windows 7 for х32 and Windows Server 2008R2 for х64 are no longer supported by Dr.Web Server. •Dr.Web Server extra distribution kit is no longer provided. •Installation of Dr.Web Server is no longer supported on logical drives with file systems that do not support symbolic links, in particular, the FAT family. •The composition of Dr.Web Server installed components can no longer be changed via the installer. •An attempt to connect to external databases that are not supported for collaboration with Dr.Web Server is excluded. •The possibility of propagation of a blocked license key in the License Manager to anti-virus network objects is excluded. •The Receive SMS commands without a password option is removed for configuration of stations under Android OS. •The Enable hardware virtualization option is removed for configuration of stations under Windows OS. •Administrator permissions can no longer be changed in the Preferences section of the Control Center. •The license agreement is deleted from the installer of Utility to change attributes for Active Directory objects. Fixes and Improvements Changes in the current version: •Important Changes ▫The OpenSSL cryptographic library used by the Server was updated to version 1.1.1. •Resolved Issues ▫Fixed an error that made it impossible to update Dr.Web Agent for Linux to the latest version. ▫Fixed the database initialization error that occurred if the Oracle Database XE 11 DBMS was used on a newly installed Dr.Web Server. ▫Fixed an error that occurred when trying to import a database file using the Administration → Database management section of the Control Center. ▫Fixed an error that occurred when trying to export a configured profile using the Anti-virus Network section of the Control Center. ▫Fixed an error that occurred when trying to move several stations between groups using a mouse in the anti-virus network tree of the Control Center. ▫Fixed an error that prevented from including information about blocked devices and Application Control events to Dr.Web Server Scheduler task to purge old records. ▫Resolved an issue that caused errors in Dr.Web Proxy Server, in situations when the version of its protocol of interaction with the Server was different from the version Dr.Web Server had. ▫Resolved an issue that made it impossible for administrator to authorize in the Control Center if Dr.Web Server was installed on Ubuntu 20.04. ▫Resolved an issue, due to which the Dr.Web Server service could stop responding when running one of the hooks for IBM Tivoli. ▫Resolved an issue that sometimes made it impossible to purge old records from the Dr.Web Server database. ▫Resolved an issue that could make an error message to appear when saving changes in the Administration → Dr.Web Server configuration section of the Control Center. ▫Other minor corrections. Changes in the version dd. 02-12-2020: •New Features and Improvements ▫The list of website categories that can by blocked using the Office Control now includes employment websites. In order for the blocking to work based on this new category, a workstation must have the Agent installed, which supports this feature. ▫Dr.Web Agent Scanner's setting Disable network while scanning is now inactive by default. •Resolved Issues ▫Fixed an error that made it impossible to properly search and view the directories on LDAP server. ▫Fixed Dr.Web Server update error that occurred on FreeBSD/i386 when trying to update via GUS. ▫Fixed the inability to block a device when specifying several device classes or several buses in Office Control settings at the same time. ▫Fixed an error that prevented Dr.Web Server 11 from upgrading to version 12 while using MySQL or MariaDB database management system. ▫Fixed internal server error that occurred during station or group comparison in the Control Center. ▫Fixed the inability to upgrade Dr.Web Server if -var-root and -home folders are located in different disk partitions. ▫Fixed the inability to properly delete items from the Office Control list of blocked classes. ▫Fixed an issue that prevented products installed on stations from getting updates under certain conditions. ▫Fixed configuration file saving error occurred after updating Dr.Web Server from version 6 to version 12. ▫Resolved an issue that caused an error when sending a message to selected workstations using the Control Center. ▫Fixed an error that prevented Dr.Web Agent from being installed from installation files on devices using CPUs with no SSE2 instruction set support. ▫Resolved an issue that sometimes made it impossible to set the filtering and displaying settings for statistics logs. ▫Fixed Dr.Web Proxy Server automatic update error that occurred when it was connected to Dr.Web Server. ▫Resolved an issue that caused an error when importing configuration parameters in the Control Center anti-virus network tree. ▫Resolved an issue, which could made Application control events disappear from the control menu, when selecting user groups. ▫Resolved an issue, causing an error if localization is missing for some of the Control Center interface elements. ▫Other minor corrections. Changes in the version dd. 10-04-2019: •New Features and Improvements ▫Separate handling is added for the situation when a product from the current repository of the Server is not found on GUS servers when updating all the products. •Resolved Issues ▫Fixed a set of errors in the administrator notifications. ▫Fixed a set of errors in export of reports from Dr.Web Security Control Center. ▫Fixed an error at inheriting the Restrict updates traffic option. ▫Fixed an error that caused the display of parameters from the group of named connections for ClamD in the autosuggest field at specifying the drweb.ini configuration file for stations under UNIX system-based OS via Dr.Web Security Control Center. ▫Fixed an error due to which the search in the Web console notifications section was not displayed. ▫Fixed an error due to which the number of groups with personal settings was not displayed for the License keys section in the Everyone group properties. ▫Fixed an error in operation of the Send to online stations only option at sending messages by administrator to stations of anti-virus network. ▫Fixed an error occurred in the Control Center if the Server configuration file was outside the Server installation directory. ▫Fixed an error at installation of the Agent using the group installation package at operation with the Oracle external database. ▫Resolved an issue due to which the information on rescan of objects in quarantine on stations was not displayed in the Quarantine section of the Control Center. ▫Fixed an error in operation with the packet filter of Dr.Web Firewall via the Dr.Web Security Control Center. ▫Fixed an error of connection to the PostgreSQL external database if the domain socket is specified as an address of the database server. ▫Fixed an error in sending a message with logotype by the administrator to the offline stations of the anti-virus network. ▫Resolved an issue that caused in some cases an error of Dr.Web Server update via the installer from version 10.0.1. ▫Resolved an issue because of which the default action on infected email files was Move to quarantine instead of Report in the settings of Dr.Web Scanner for Windows after upgrade of the Server from version 6.Х. ▫Resolved an issue that caused in some cases the duplicating of records in the audit log for actions in Dr.Web Server Task Scheduler. ▫Fixed an error in operation of the Restore all files option in the Control Center quarantine. ▫Fixed errors when switching between some of statistic sections. ▫Fixed an error in import of the database that was exported with the Limit updates traffic option, including at Dr.Web Server update. ▫Other minor corrections. Known Issues •At upgrading Dr.Web Server under Windows OS from version 10 and earlier, the settings from the following sections of the Control Center will not be transferred into the version 12: ▫Dr.Web Server configuration → Network → Download (the download.conf file), ▫Dr.Web Server remote access (the frontdoor.conf file), ▫Web server configuration (the webmin.conf file). At upgrading Dr.Web Server under UNIX system-based OS from version 10 and earlier, the settings from the Web server configuration (the webmin.conf file) section of the Control Center will not be transferred into the version 12. Settings in these sections will be reset to defaults. If you want to use the settings of the previous version, specify them manually after the Server upgrade in the corresponding sections of the Control Center basing on the data from the configuration files backup. •Through the inter-server connection between the Servers of version 10 and 12 the unsupported repository products can be transferred during the upgrade: old products that are not included into the new Server repository, or new products that are not included into the old Server repository. At this, you can get the upgrade error due to the unknown repository product. In the Repository content section, for such products the name of location directory is given instead of the product name. This situation may occur, particularly, at the step-by-step upgrade of the Servers in a multi-server anti-virus network. •At the Server upgrade, custom hooks created manually are not saved. •Automatic upgrade of the Server under UNIX system-based OS from the version 6.0.4 to the version 12.0 cannot be done. Upgrade can be made only manually. For this, you must delete the Server software of 6.0.4 version saving the backup copy and install the software of the version 12.0 based on the saved backup copy. •Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite of version 12.0 supports only Dr.Web Agents for Android of version 12.2 and later. Installation Notes System Requirements For Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite to be installed and function the following is required •Anti-virus network computers should have access to the Dr.Web Sever or to the Proxy server. •For interaction between the anti-virus components, the following ports must be opened on used computers:
To install Dr.Web Server 12.0, your computer must meet the following requirements:
To install Proxy server 12.0, your computer must meet the following requirements:
Together with Dr.Web Server the Dr.Web Security Control Center is installed. Dr.Web Security Control Center requires: a)Web browser: •Internet Explorer 11 •Microsoft Edge 0.10 and later •Mozilla Firefox 44 and later •Google Chrome 49 and later •Opera of the latest version •Safari of the latest version. For the Windows Internet Explorer web browser, please note the following features: •Full operability of the Control Center under web browser with the Enhanced Security Configuration for Windows Internet Explorer mode enabled is not guaranteed. •If you install Server on a computer with a '_' (underline) character in the name, configuration of Server with Dr.Web Security Control Center by use of Windows Internet Explorer will not be available. In this case, use other web browser. •For proper operation of the Control Center, IP address and/or DNS name of computer with installed Dr.Web Server must be added to the trusted sites of a web browser, on which you open Control Center. •For proper opening of Control Center via the Start menu under Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 OS with tiled interface, set the following parameters of a web browser: Tools → Programs → Opening Internet Explorer set the Always in Internet Explorer flag. •For proper operation with the Control Center via the Windows Internet Explorer web browser using the secure https protocol, you must install all the latest updates to the web browser. •Operation with the Control Center via the Windows Internet Explorer web browser in the compatibility mode is not supported. b)Recommended screen resolution to use Dr.Web Security Control Center is 1280x1024 pt. Dr.Web Mobile Control Center requires: Requirements are differ depending on the operating system on which the application is installed:
The NAP requires For the Server • Windows Server 2008 OS. For the Agents • Windows XP SP3 OS, Windows Vista OS, Windows Server 2008 OS. To install Dr.Web Agent and full anti-virus package of 12.0 version, your computer must meet the following requirements: Requirements are differ depending on the operating system on which anti-virus solution is installed (the full list of supported OS see in the Appendices document, in Appendix A): •Windows OS:
•Linux system-based OS:
•macOS, Android OS: configuration requirements coincide with the requirements for operating system. Upgrade to Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 12.0 Important Note •Before updating, it is recommended to check the validity of TCP/IP protocol configuration for the Internet access. Particularly, DNS service must be enabled and properly configured. •In multiserver anti-virus network configuration, consider that interserver updates transmission is not performed between Servers of 12 version and Servers of previous versions and interserver connection is used for transmission statistics only. To provide interserver updates transmission, you must upgrade all Servers. If you need to remain Servers of previous version as a part of the anti-virus network to connect the Agents installed on operating systems which are not supported by the 12 version, when Servers of versions 6 and Servers of the 12 version must receive updates independently. •For the anti-virus network containing Dr.Web Proxy Server, at upgrade of the components up to the version 12.0, you must also upgrade the Proxy Server up to the version 12.0. Otherwise, the Agents supplied within version 12.0 will not be able to connect to the Server of version 12.0. It is recommended to perform the upgrade in the following order: Dr.Web Server → Dr.Web Proxy Server → Dr.Web Agent. •During upgrade of the Server from the 6 version to the 12 version, settings of the Sever operation via the proxy server are not saved. After the installation of the 12 version, you must specify the settings of connection via the proxy server manually (see Administration Manual, p. Proxy). •At upgrading the Server, all repository settings will not be transferred to the new version (will be reset to defaults), however they are backed up. If necessary, specify the repository settings manually after the Server upgrade. •After installing the Server version 12, updates of the Dr.Web Agent for Android, Dr.Web Agent for UNIX and Dr.Web Proxy Server repository products are loaded from GUS by default only upon the request of these products from stations. For more details, see Administrator Manual, p. Detailed Repository Configuration. If your Server is not connected to the Internet, and updates are loaded manually from other Server or using the Repository Loader, before installing or updating products with the Update on demand only option, you must first manually load these products to the repository. •When upgrading Server from version 11 to version 12 via GUS, make sure that Server repository configuration has required operating system and web console languages specified, since these settings could have been reset during one of previous Server upgrades. Upgrading the Dr.Web Server for Windows® OS •Upgrading of the Server from the 6, 10, and 11 versions to the 12 version and within version 12 is performed automatically by the means of the installer. •Upgrading the Server from versions 11.X to version 12.0 is also available via the Control Center. The procedure is described in the Administrator Manual, in the Updating Dr.Web Server and Restoring from the Backup section. At upgrading Dr.Web Server under Windows OS from version 10 and earlier, the settings from the following sections of the Control Center will not be transferred into the version 12: •Dr.Web Server configuration → Network → Download (the download.conf file), •Dr.Web Server remote access (the frontdoor.conf file), •Web server configuration (the webmin.conf file). Settings in these sections will be reset to defaults. If you want to use the settings of the previous version, specify them manually after the Server upgrade in the corresponding sections of the Control Center basing on the data from the configuration files backup. Saving Configuration Files At upgrading the Server to the 12 version by the installer means, the configuration files are saved into the folder specified for the back up: •For the upgrade from the version 6: to the <installation_drive>:\DrWeb Backup. •For the upgrade from the versions 10 and within version 12: to the folder that is specified in the Back up Dr.Web Server critical data option during the upgrade (<installation_drive>:\DrWeb Backup by default). At upgrading of the Server of the version 6, the following files are saved:
At upgrading of the Server of the version 10, the following files are saved:
At upgrading of the Server from version 11 and within version 12, the following files are saved:
If you are planning to use configuration files from the version 6 of the Server, please note: 1.Server license key is no longer supported. 2.The embedded database is upgraded and configuration files of the Server is converted by the means of the installer. You cannot replace these files with a backup copies when upgrading from the Server of version 6. If necessary, copy other critical files you want to preserve to another folder, other than Server installation folder. For instance, report templates which are stored in the \var\templates folder. Saving Database Please note! Starting from Dr.Web Server version 10 the MS SQL CE database is no longer supported. During automatic Server upgrade by the means of the installer, the MS SQL CE database is automatically converted to the SQLite internal database. Before upgrading, make sure that Microsoft SQL DBMS has case-sensitive (_CS) and accent-sensitive (_AS) collation suffixes specified. Otherwise, automatic update will be impossible. Before upgrading, make sure that the DBMS you use is supported by Dr.Web Server version 12. Otherwise, automatic update will be impossible. A list of supported DBMS's is available in Appendices, chapter Appendix B. The Description of the DBMS Settings. The Parameters of the DBMS Driver. Before upgrading Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite software, make sure to backup the database. For Servers with external DB, it is recommended that standard tools supplied with the database be used. Make sure that Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite DB export completed successfully. If DB backup copy is not available, the Server could not be restored in emergency case. To upgrade Dr.Web Server To upgrade Dr.Web Server, run the distribution file. •By default, installer uses the language of the operating system. If necessary, you can change the installation language on any step by selecting the corresponding option in the right upper part of the installer window. •For the external Server database, also select Use existing database during upgrade. •If you are going to use the Oracle DB as an external database via the ODBC connection, then during installation (upgrading) of the Server, in the installer settings, disable the installation of embedded client for Oracle DBMS (in the Database support → Oracle database driver section). Otherwise, interaction with the Oracle DB via ODBC will fail because of the libraries conflict. Upgrade from the Version 6 1.The window opens, which notifies you on the previous Dr.Web Server version installed and brief description of the upgrade process to a new version. To start configuring upgrade procedure, click Upgrade. 2.The next window contains the information on the product and the link to the license agreement text. When you read the agreement, to continue the installation, select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next. 3.On the following steps, the upgrading Server is configured as at the Installing Dr.Web Server process based on the configuration files from the previous installation. The installation wizard automatically locates the Server installation folder, configuration files and embedded DB location from the previous installation. If necessary, you can change locations of the files which were found automatically by the installer. 4.To uninstall the Server of the previous version and launch the installation process of the 12.0 version of the Server, click Install. During the Server uninstallation, the configuration files are automatically saved to the <installation_drive>:\DrWeb Backup folder. Upgrade from the Version 10.0 1.The window opens, which notifies you on the previous Dr.Web Server version installed and brief description of the upgrade process to a new version. To start configuring upgrade procedure, click Upgrade. 2.The next window contains the information on the product and the link to the license agreement text. When you read the agreement, to continue the installation, select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next. 3.On the following steps, the upgrading Server is configured as at the Installing Dr.Web Server process based on the configuration files from the previous installation. The installation wizard automatically locates the Server installation folder, configuration files and embedded DB location from the previous installation. If necessary, you can change locations of the files which were found automatically by the installer. 4.To uninstall the Server of the previous version and launch the installation process of the 12.0 version of the Server, click Install. 5.During the update, the window opens that contains the critical data backup settings before uninstalling the Server of the previous version. It is recommended to set the Back up Dr.Web Server critical data flag. If necessary, you can change the default backup folder (<installation_drive>:\DrWeb Backup). Upgrade from the Versions 10.0.1, 10.1, 11, and within version 12 1.The window opens, which notifies you on the previous Dr.Web Server version installed and brief description of the upgrade process to a new version. To start configuring upgrade procedure, click Upgrade. 2.The next window contains the critical data backup settings before uninstalling the Server of the previous version. It is recommended to set the Back up Dr.Web Server critical data flag. If necessary, you can change the default backup folder (<installation_drive>:\DrWeb Backup). Click Uninstall to start the uninstalling of the Server of previous version. 3.After the previous version is uninstalled, the new version of the Server starts the installation. The next window contains the information on the product and the link to the license agreement text. When you read the agreement, to continue the installation, select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next. 4.On the following steps, the upgrading Server is configured as at the Installing Dr.Web Server process based on the configuration files from the previous installation. The installation wizard automatically locates the Server installation folder, configuration files and embedded DB location from the previous installation. If necessary, you can change locations of the files which were found automatically by the installer. 5.To start the installation of the Server of version 12.0, click Install. After upgrade of anti-virus network Servers is completed, you must do the following: 1.Configure encryption and compression settings for the connected Servers (see the Administrator Manual, the Setting Connections between Several Dr.Web Servers section). 2.Clear the cache of the Web browser that is used to connect to Dr.Web Security Control Center. Upgrading the Server for UNIX System-Based Systems Upgrade of the Server up to the version 12 depends on the initial version: •Upgrade from the version 6.0.4 to the version 12.0 can be made only manually. •Upgrade from the versions 10.X to the version 12.0 automatically over the installed version is possible not for all UNIX system-based OS. Thus, under UNIX system-based OS, on which automatic upgrading over the installed package is not supported, you must perform the upgrade manually. •Upgrading the Server software from versions 11.X and within version 12.0 for the same package types is performed automatically for all UNIX system-based OS. If needed, you can also perform the upgrade manually. •Upgrading the Server from versions 11.X to version 12.0 is also available via the Control Center. The procedure is described in the Administrator Manual, in the Updating Dr.Web Server and Restoring from the Backup section. At upgrading Dr.Web Server under UNIX system-based OS from version 10 and earlier, the settings from the Web server configuration (the webmin.conf file) section of the Control Center will not be transferred into the version 12. Settings in this section will be reset to defaults. If you want to use the settings of the previous version, specify them manually after the Server upgrade in the corresponding section of the Control Center basing on the data from the configuration file backup. Warning! All actions must be performed under the root administrator account. At uninstalling and automatic upgrading of the Server to the version 12, configuration files are saved into default backup directory: /var/tmp/drwcs/. After the Server of version 6 has been removed, the following files are automatically saved:
After the Server of version 10 has been removed, the following files are automatically saved:
After the Server of 11 and 12 versions has been removed, the following configuration files are automatically saved:
After the automatic upgrade, the following files are saved to the backup directory: For the Server of version 10:
For the Server of versions 11 and 12:
If you are planning to use configuration files from the version 6 of the Server, please note: 1.Server license key is no longer supported. 2.The embedded database is upgraded and configuration files of the Server is converted by the means of the installer. You cannot replace these files with a backup copies when upgrading from the Server of version 6. If necessary, save other files that you are planning to use in the sequel in another location. Saving Database Before upgrade Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite software, it is recommender to backup database. For Servers with external DB, it is recommended to use standard tools supplied with the database. Make sure, that Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite DB export completed successfully. If DB backup copy is not available, the Server could not be restored in emergency case. Automatic Upgrade of Dr.Web Server If you upgrade the Server from 10 version to version 12 (except the Servers installed under Linux OS from the * and * packages), instead of deleting the old version and installing the new version of the Server, you can use the package upgrade. For this, launch the installation of corresponding Server package. Upgrading the Server software within version 12 for the same package types is performed automatically for all UNIX system-based OS. At this, configuration files will be automatically converted and placed in corresponding directories. Also, some configuration files are additionally stored in the backup directory. Manual Upgrade of Dr.Web Server If the Server upgrade from the version 6.0.4 and later cannot be done over the installed package, you must delete the Server software of previous versions saving the backup copy and install the software of the version 12 based on the saved backup copy. To upgrade Dr.Web Server, perform the following procedure: 1.Stop the Server. 2.If you plan to use any files (besides the files which are copied automatically during the Server uninstall at step 3), backup these files manually, for example, the report templates and etc. 3.Remove the Server software (see Installation Manual, p. Removing Dr.Web Server Software for UNIX System-Based OS). You will be prompt to create a backup copies of the files. For this, specify the path to store the backup or accept the default path. 4.Install Dr.Web Server version 12.0 according to the general installation procedure (see Installation Manual, p. Installing Dr.Web Server for UNIX System-Based OS) based on the backup copy from the step 3. All saved configuration files and embedded database (if you use embedded database) will be automatically converted to be used by the Server of the 12.0 version. Without automatic conversion, database (if you use embedded database) and some of the Server configuration files from the previous version cannot be used. In case of manual backup, place the files to the same directories where they were located in the previous version. For all backup files from the previous Server version (see step 4) you must set the user selected at the installation of the new Server version (drwcs by default), as files owner. 5.Launch the Server. 6.Set up repository upgrade and perform the upgrade. After upgrade of anti-virus network Servers is completed, you must configure encryption and compression settings for the connected Servers (see the Administrator Manual, the Setting Connections between Several Dr.Web Servers section). Upgrading Dr.Web Agents on Stations under Windows OS Upgrade of the Agents Supplied with Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 11 and 10 Upgrade of the Agents supplied with Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 11 and 10 is performed automatically. After the automatic upgrade, the popup notification with restart request is displayed on a station; in the Control Center, restart request after the upgrade is displayed in the station status. Restart a station locally or remotely via the Control Center to complete the upgrade. If the station was connected to the Server via the Dr.Web Proxy server of version 11 and earlier, you must upgrade the Proxy server up to the version 12 before upgrading the Agent. Otherwise, the Agents supplied within version 12.0 will not be able to connect to the Server of version 12.0. Automatic Upgrade of the Agents Supplied with Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 6 To perform automatic upgrade, the following conditions must be met: 1.Agents must be installed on a computers under Windows OS which are supported for the installation of Agents for Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite version 12.0 (see the Appendices document, Appendix A. The Complete List of Supported OS Versions). 2.For the automatic upgrade, the following actions are possible depending on the Server settings: a)Automatic upgrade is performed, if during the Server upgrade, encryption keys and network settings from the previous Server were saved, is performed by the following procedure: 1.The old version of the Agent is uninstalled when upgrade is started. 2.The station is rebooted manually. 3.The new version of the Agent is installed. For this, the task in the Server schedule is automatically created. 4.After the Agent upgrade is completed, the station automatically connects to the Server. In the Status section of the Control Center, the notification on required restart will be displayed for the upgraded station. The station must be restarted. b)The manual configuration required during the automatic upgrade, if during the Server upgrade, new encryption keys and Server network settings were specified, is performed by the following procedure: 1.Configure settings for connection to the new Server and replace public encryption key on station manually. 2.After changing of the settings on the station and connecting the stations to the Server, the Agent upgrade process starts. 3.The old version of the Agent is uninstalled when upgrade is started. 4.The station is rebooted manually. 5.The new version of the Agent is installed. For this, the task in the Server schedule is automatically created. 6.After the Agent upgrade is completed, the station automatically connects to the Server. In the Status section of the Control Center, the notification on required restart will be displayed for the upgraded station. The station must be restarted. Please note the following features during automatic upgrade: 1.After removing the Agent, notification on reboot required is not displayed on a station. Administrator must initiate the station reboot. 2.Between the removal of an old Agent version and installing of a new version, stations will have no anti-virus protection. 3.After upgrading of the Agent, the anti-virus software operation will be limited without the station restart. At this, the complete anti-virus protection of the station is not provided. User must restart the station on the Agent demand. Manual Upgrade of the Agents Supplied with Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 6 If installation of the new version of the Agent during automatic upgrade failed for any reason, the next installation attempts are not performed. No anti-virus software will be installed on the station, and such station will be displayed as offline in the Control Center. In such case, you must install the Agent by yourself. At this, after the new Agent installation, you must merge the new station and the old station in the Control Center, in the hierarchical tree of the anti-virus network. Upgrade is not Supported If Agents are installed on stations under OS which are not supported for the installation of Agents for Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite version 12.0, actions to upgrade are not performed. Agents installed on unsupported OS cannot receive updates (including virus bases updates) from the new Server. If you need to remain Agents under unsupported OS, you must leave the Server of previous version to which these Agents are connected as a part of the anti-virus network. At this, Servers of 6 versions and Servers of the 12.0 version must receive updates independently. Recommendations on upgrading the Agents, installed at the stations that implement significant LAN functions, specified in the Appendices document, p. Upgrading Dr.Web Agents on the LAN servers. Upgrading Dr.Web Agents on Stations under Android OS Please note the following features: •Dr.Web Agents for Android must be upgraded manually on mobile devices to operate with Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite of version 12.0. •Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite of version 12.0 supports only Dr.Web Agents for Android of version 12.2 and later. To upgrade Dr.Web Agents for Android locally, you can use one of the following ways: 1.If you can download separately the installation package of the Agent standalone version via the Internet. Before upgrading Dr.Web Server, upgrade Dr.Web Agents for Android manually on mobile devices up to the version 12.2 or later. You can download the new version on Doctor Web company web site at The new Agent will connect to the Server of previous version normally, after that you can upgrade the Server up to the version 12.0 following the general procedure. 2.If you cannot download separately the installation package of the Agent standalone version via the Internet. After upgrade of Dr.Web Server, Dr.Web Agents for Android will automatically connect to the upgraded Server. Upgrade the Agents manually directly on mobile devices. You can download installation package of the Agent new version in the Control Center, in the station properties or on the installation page. Upgrading Dr.Web Agents on Stations under Linux OS and macOS Agents installed on stations under Linux system-based OS and macOS connect to the Server of the 12.0 version if the following conditions are met: 1.Agents must be installed on a computers under operation systems which are supported for the installation of Agents for Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite version 12.0 (see the Appendices document, Appendix A. The Complete List of Supported OS Versions). 2.Encryption keys and network settings from the upgraded Server must be set on the stations. After connecting the stations to the updated Server: 1.Only virus databases will be updated on stations. Automatic upgrade of the anti-virus software itself is not performed. 2.If the last software version is installed on stations, no actions required. 3.If the software on stations is outdated, download installation package of the Agent new version in the Control Center, in the station properties or on the installation page. Upgrade the station software manually as described in the corresponding User Manual. Additional Information Technical Support If you encounter any issues installing or using company products, before requesting for the assistance of the technical support, take advantage of the following options: •Download and review the latest manuals and guides at •Read the frequently asked questions at •Browse the Dr.Web official forum at If you have not found solution for the problem, you can request direct assistance from Doctor Web company technical support by one of the following ways: •Fill in the web form in the corresponding section at •Call by phone in Moscow: +7 (495) 789-45-86. Refer to the official website at for regional and international office information of Doctor Web company. Legal Notes © Doctor Web, 2020. All rights reserved This document is for information and reference purposes in relation to the specified software of the Dr.Web family. This document is not a ground for exhaustive conclusions about the presence or absence of any functional and/or technical features in the software of the Dr.Web family and cannot be used to determine whether the software of the Dr.Web family matches any requirements, technical task and/or parameters, and other third-party documents. This document is the property of Doctor Web. No part of this document may be reproduced, published or transmitted in any form or by any means for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal use without proper attribution. Trademarks Dr.Web, SpIDer Mail, SpIDer Guard, CureIt!, CureNet!, AV-Desk, KATANA and the Dr.WEB logo are trademarks and registered trademarks of Doctor Web in Russia and/or other countries. Other trademarks, registered trademarks and company names used in this document are property of their respective owners. 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